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Milton-Freewater Unified School District 7 Logo

Retirement Information


 The Milton-Freewater Unified School District compensates eligible employees with a generous retirement package
through OREGON PERS (Public Employees Retirement System).

PERS website - Click here
Customer Service: 1-888-320-7377
Best times to call---Monday through Friday – 8:30am-12:00pm

Member types:
Tier One/Tier Two member - hired before Aug 29, 2003
OPSRP member - hired after Aug 28, 2003

Contribution types:
All contributions are paid by the District monthly, based on gross pay
Tier 1/Tier 2 members will have - PERS Pre-Tax contribution (rate set by PERS)
OPSRP members will have – OPSRP Pre-Tax contribution (rate set by PERS)
ALL MEMBERS RECEIVE --PERS Paid pickup – 6% of gross monthly pay
Both benefit amounts are paid by the District and deposited into the PERS system.

A brief explanation of the differences below:
PERS or OPSRP Pre-Tax contributions – This is the employer mandatory PERS contribution. Funds are
deposited into the total Oregon PERS system credited to your earnings, very similar to Social Security.
These funds will be available to you upon retirement, only if you've worked for a PERS employer for more
than 5 years (a.k.a. you are vested). The rate is referred to as the normal cost rate and is set by the PERS
Board and updated every two years.

PERS PAID PICKUP – This is the employee PERS contribution, with a fixed rate of 6%. In Milton-Freewater
School District, the negotiated agreement requires this expense to be paid by the District (or picked up). This is
often referred to as the “6% Pickup”. Funds are deposited into the employees PERS IAP (Individual Account Program),
opened by the district upon your eligible hire. These funds are specifically allocated to the employee--you do not have to be vested to
received these funds. These funds will be available to you upon retirement. PERS mails out annual statements
reflecting your specific contributions and earnings.


Thinking about Retirement?  Check out the pre-retirement guide here


  • What is the Individual Account Program (IAP)?
    Click here >>>>>IAP Information
  • Can I contribute to my PERS account?
    Click here >>>> Member contributions
  • How do I get a benefit estimate?
       Create an online account—see below
       Fill out paperwork and send to PERS
       Tier One/Tier Two—click here >>> Tier 1/2 estimate
       OPSRP – click here >>> OPSRP estimate
  • I want to change/add beneficiaries, how do I do that?
       Use these forms:
             Tier One/Tier Two - beneficiary form
                                                     - IAP beneficiary form
             OPSRP - beneficiary form
  • How do I create a PERS online account? click here
  • I'm planning to retire, how do I do that?
       Tier One/Tier Two member - Click here
       OPSRP member  - Click here
  • I need to update my address, how do I do that?
       Contact Tara Lewis in payroll
  • I need to contact PERS, what is the best way to do that?Call 1-888-320-7377
  • I want to learn more about PERS, where can I do that?  Click here


Additional Retirement Account options

Contact an approved vendor listed below and open a retirement account
  • American Fidelity 800-662-1113 (Todd Wells)
  • Aspire Financial through Krivoshein McDaniels Financial 509-522-0454 (Kim McDaniels)
  • Horace Mann 800-999-1030
  • Security Financial Resources  800-888-2461
  • VOYA retirement  800-584-6001
  • Western United  800-247-2045

Let them know you want to open a retirement account and they will walk you through there options.
Final approval requires a Salary Reduction Agreement to be reviewed/approved by AF PlanServ - Payroll handles this.
It can take up to 2 payrolls for new retirement deductions to become effective in payroll.

Any questions, contact Tara Lewis in payroll   541-938-8633